Pink flower buds with some blurred in the background
Photo Credit: Kelly Sikkema

Word for the Day

A practice of gratitude is not about dismissing sadness, anger, fear, or confusion. Rather, it offers us the opportunity to see that we often experience multiple feelings at once; to welcome joy into the same places where we hold grief; to turn our attention to what is quietly growing and breathing day by day, which, to our possible surprise, includes ourselves.

Kristin Lin

Sent 365 days a year to more than 56,000  people around the world, Word for the Day serves as a gateway to the daily practice of  grateful living.

Each of the gratefulness quotes in our curated collection aligns with our mission to empower people to live meaningful lives through the transformative practice of grateful living.

We feature diverse voices, including a range of thought leaders, poets, novelists, naturalists, and religious and spiritual thinkers from across centuries and around the globe.

Word for the Day as a Daily Practice


Take a deep breath and allow yourself to become truly present.


Savor the quote and read it several times, contemplating its meaning and any thoughts or feelings that arise. What resonates? What possibilities does the quote inspire?


Allow your reflection to inform how you approach the rest of the day. You might even share quotes with others to spark  meaningful conversation.